Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum “easy stroll”

Date & Time: 
October 5, 2021 -
10:00am to 1:00pm
Meeting Place: 
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Pollination Garden
Trip Leader: 
Cindy Bethard, Libby Sullivan, and Sue Bridgemon
Special Notes: 
Masks are required in all indoor spaces and outdoors whenever social distancing cannot be accomplished. Participants must pay their own entrance fees. If you aren’t a member of ASDM, general admission is $23.95 and senior admission (65+) is $21.95.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, there will not be a group walking together.  You will be on your own for the most part, but we will be happy to guide you to the “hot spots” on grounds for butterflies.  Sue, Libby and I will be wearing our ASDM docent uniforms with our name tags.  We will have other tasks, but will switch out to be available to you as needed. 


The trip will cover approximately 1.5 miles on cement paths and flat dirt paths on Museum grounds. After the trip, if you stay for lunch the museum has a cafeteria.  If you bring a sack lunch, there are picnic grounds just outside the gate on the west side. You can also buy a drink and have your sack lunch on the cafeteria patio.


Late summer wildflowers are blooming: asters, fleabane, turpentine bush, and perhaps still some of the buckwheat in the Mojave Desert area.  The ASDM Botany department plants many species of native plants which are butterfly larval foodplants, so the chances are good that we will see a variety of species. On Tuesday September 28th, 37 species were seen.  These included Queens, Monarchs; Marine, Ceraunus and Reakirt's Blues, Tailed and Sleepy Oranges, Cloudless and Orange Sulphurs, Pipevine Swallowtails, Gray and Great Purple Hairstreaks, Empress Leilia and many others.


For questions please contact: Cindy Bethard at: or text her cell: (520) 429-2650.


Photo: White-patched Skipper (Chiomara georgina) © Cindy Bethard


Trip Butterfly Reports: 

The group met at the pollination garden of the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum on Tuesday, October 4, 2021 at 10 am.  The group checked out butterfly hotspots at the pollination garden, demonstration gardens, Baldwin theater area gardens, Mojave Desert area, labyrinth garden, and desert grassland areas.  The trip continued until noon. The co-hosts also pre-scanned the same areas earlier in the morning.  39 species were identified.  Everyone enjoyed the bounty of butterflies!  The list of species identified follows:

Pipevine Swallowtail                  Battus philenor

Giant Swallowtail                        Papilio cresphontes

Checkered White                        Pontia protodice

Great Southern White               Ascia monuste

Orange Sulphur                            Colias eurytheme

Southern Dogface                      Colias cesonia

Cloudless Sulphur                        Phoebis sennae

Mexican Yellow                           Eurema mexicana

Tailed Orange                              Eurema proterpia

Sleepy Orange                             Eurema nicippe

Dainty Sulphur                             Nathalis iole

Great Purple Hairstreak            Atlides halesus

Gray Hairstreak                           Strymon melinus

Leda Ministreak                           Ministrymon leda

Western Pygmy-Blue                 Brephidium exile

Marine Blue                                 Leptotes marina

Ceraunus Blue                             Hemiargus ceraunus

Reakirt's Blue                               Hemiargus isola

‘Echo’Spring Azure                      Celastrina ladon

Fatal Metalmark                          Calephelis nemesis

Arizona Metalmark                     Calephelis arizonensis

Palmer's Metalmark                   Apodemia palmeri

American Snout                            Libytheana carinenta

Gulf Fritillary                                Agraulis vanillae

Variegated Fritillary                    Euptoieta claudia

Tiny Checkerspot                        Dymasia dymas

Texan Crescent                            Phyciodes texana

Painted Lady                                Vanessa cardui

West Coast Lady                         Vanessa annabella

Empress Leilia                              Asterocampa leilia

Monarch                                       Danaus plexippus

Queen                                            Danaus gilippus

Northern Cloudywing                Thorybes pylades

Arizona Powdered-Skipper       Systasea zampa

Brown-banded Skipper              Timochares ruptifasciatus

White-patched Skipper              Chiomara asychis

Funereal Duskywing                   Erynnis funeralis

Orange Skipperling                     Copaeodes aurantiacus

Fiery Skipper                                Hylephila phyleus

Eufala Skipper                              Lerodea eufala

Leader email:

General Information

Beginners are welcome on all field trips! Experienced members will share their butterfly knowledge and expertise with all field trip participants. Children accompanied by a responsible adult are welcome on SEABA field trips. A donation of $5 per person to benefit SEABA will be appreciated. Carpooling from the meeting place is encouraged and it is kind to share gas expenses. If high clearance vehicles are required for a trip, it will be noted in individual trip descriptions. Dress for the field with sturdy shoes, hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Bring your own water, snacks, and lunch. Close-focusing binoculars, cameras, and field guides will be helpful aids for butterfly observation and identification. Trips usually end by mid-afternoon unless noted differently in individual trip descriptions.

Please be aware that:

1. Collecting or netting is NOT allowed on SEABA field trips.

2. Pets, with the exception of service animals, are NOT allowed on SEABA field trips.

3. All field trip participants are required to sign SEABA's Release and Assumption of Risk form at the beginning of the trip. The form may be viewed at SEABA Release.

4. Please arrive a few minutes prior to the meeting time posted for trips to facilitate paperwork and introductions to other trip participants.

5. Field trips may be cancelled or rescheduled on short notice due to changing weather or road conditions. Please check the website for updates prior to the Field Trip.


Our Southeastern Arizona Butterfly Checklist can be downloaded here. Please note that the SEABA checklist is copyrighted.

Local NABA Butterfly Counts are listed at NABA Counts

Field trips organized by the Central Arizona Butterfly Association are listed at their website: CAzBA.