Sabino Canyon Summer NABA count

Date & Time: 
July 29, 2020 -
7:30am to 4:00pm
Meeting Place: 
Mary Klinkel
Compiler Email:

You probably know by now that the Coronado National Forest has a large closure order affecting most of this butterfly count circle until Nov. 1, 2020.  I have asked for special permission to count Sabino Canyon and have been denied.  I have asked the Pima County Sheriff's Department for special access to the Catalina Highway up to Summerhaven, and have been granted permission for one person/one vehicle (me) to travel to Summerhaven on WEDNESDAY July 29.


My access to Summerhaven is contingent on conditions and could be revoked that day.  It's also possible that the highway will be open to everyone before that day.  With so many unknowns, I'm choosing to hold the count on Wed. 7/29/20.  If we get rained out, c'es la vie. 


So, let me know if you're available and plan to join the count Wed. 7/29.  There are no stops permitted on the Catalina Highway if it is open by then, as the Coronado NF is closed on both sides of the highway up to Summerhaven.  The only areas we can count for certain are low desert neighborhoods in the circle.  I probably only need about 5 people to cover these areas, preferably local residents of Tucson who know the areas.


Thanks!!!   Mary



Trip Butterfly Reports: 

The Big Horn Fire in Santa Catalina Mountains closed more than 95% of access to count circle areas in Coronado NF. Dry spring and late monsoon rains made for very little nectar

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail                        Battus philenor 10
  2. Checkered White                              Pontia protodice 1        
  3. Orange Sulphur                                  Colias eurytheme 12
  4. Southern Dogface                            Colias cesonia 6
  5. Cloudless Sulphur                              Phoebis sennae 14
  6. Mexican Yellow                                 Eurema Mexicana 3
  7. Sleepy Orange                                   Eurema nicippe 1
  8. Dainty Sulphur                                   Nathalis iole 1
  9. Gray Hairstreak                                  Strymon melinus 1
  10. Leda Ministreak                                 Ministrymon leda 20
  11. Western Pygmy-Blue                        Brephidium exile 2
  12. Marine Blue                                        Leptotes marina 42
  13. Ceraunus Blue                                    Hemiargus ceraunus 8
  14. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure                           Celastrina ladon 17
  15. Fatal Metalmark                                Calephelis nemesis 4
  16. Variegated Fritillary                          Euptoieta Claudia 1
  17. Texan Crescent                                  Phyciodes texana 3
  18. Mourning Cloak                                Nymphalis antiopa 3
  19. Painted Lady                                      Vanessa cardui 7
  20. Common Buckeye                             Junonia coenia 4
  21. ‘Dark’ Tropical Buckeye                   J.genoveva nigrosuffusa 1
  22. Red-spotted Purple                           Limenitis arthemis astyanax 2
  23. ‘Arizona’ California Sister                Adelpha bredowii 1
  24. Empress Leilia                                    Asterocampa leilia 3
  25. Queen                                                  Danaus gilippus 8
  26. Dull Firetip                                          Pyrrhopyge araxes 1
  27. Golden-banded Skipper                   Autochton cellus 1
  28. Acacia Skipper                                    Cogia hippalus 2
  29. Arizona Powdered-Skipper              Systasea zampa 2
  30. Mournful Duskywing                        Erynnis tristis 3
  31. Funereal Duskywing                         Erynnis funeralis 9
  32. White Checkered-Skipper                Pyrgus albescens 1
  33. Orange Skipperling                            Copaeodes aurantiacus 2
  34. Fiery Skipper                                       Hylephila phyleus 44
  35. Taxiles Skipper                                   Poanes taxiles 7

Unidentified Sulphur sp. 1


248 Individuals