Sabino Canyon Summer NABA count

Date & Time: 
July 23, 2019 -
7:30am to 4:00pm
Meeting Place: 
Sabino Canyon Visitor Center. Check with Mary for other meeting places for folks heading directly up the mountain
Mary Klinkel
Compiler Email:

This count covers Sabino Canyon as well as few low country gardens, also covers numerous spots along the Catalina Highway up to the top of Mount Lemmon. (Coronado Pass or National Parks pass or day pass required for parking) for a low desert field day with Fred Heath, or contact compiler Mary Klinkel to claim your territory on your own or with a group outside of Sabino Canyon.  Even if you only have one hour or don’t know the names of any butterflies you can help with this count!  We have a lot of territory to cover and welcome all participants.


Please bring $3 for NABA compilation fee per person.  Remember to bring water, snacks, sun protection, binoculars, cameras, field guides, personal items.  Compilation dinner with separate checks TBA.

Trip Butterfly Reports: 

Thanks to everyone for the successful count! We had people checking pretty much every elevation and the final number of species seen was 61.  List follows (Number of individuals seen is in parenthesis):

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail (44)                Battus philenor
  2. Black Swallowtail (1)                        Papilio polyxenes
  3. Western Giant Swallowtail             Heraclides rumiko
  4. Two-tailed Swallowtail (3)              Papilio multicaudata
  5. Chiricahua White (1)                        Neophasia terlootii
  6. Checkered White (2)                        Pontia protodice
  7. Clouded Sulphur                                Colias philodice
  8. Orange Sulphur (16)                         Colias eurytheme
  9. Southern Dogface (6)                       Colias cesonia
  10. Cloudless Sulphur (2)                       Phoebis sennae
  11. Mexican Yellow (10)                         Eurema mexicana
  12. Sleepy Orange (5)                             Eurema nicippe
  13. Dainty Sulphur (1)                             Nathalis iole
  14. Colorado Hairstreak (6)                   Hypaurotis crysalus
  15. Thicket Hairstreak (2)                       Callophrys spinetorum
  16. Gray Hairstreak (3)                           Strymon melinus
  17. Leda Ministreak (4)                          Ministrymon leda
  18. Arizona Hairstreak (12)                    Erora quaderna
  19. Marine Blue (27)                               Leptotes marina
  20. Ceraunus Blue (6)                             Hemiargus ceraunus
  21. Reakirt’s Blue (3)                               Hemiargus isola
  22. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure (264)                Celastrina ladon
  23. Acmon Blue (6)                                  Plebejus acmon texana
  24. Fatal Metalmark (8)                          Calephelis nemesis
  25. Zela Metalmark (1)                           Emesis zela
  26. Nais Metalmark (60)                        Apodemia nais
  27. Gulf Fritillary (1)                                Agraulis vanillae
  28. Tiny Checkerspot (1)                        Dymasia dymas
  29. Mylitta Crescent (1)                          Phyciodes mylitta
  30. Texan Crescent (18)                          Phyciodes texana
  31. Mourning Cloak (3)                           Nymphalis antiopa
  32. American Lady (6)                             Vanessa virginiensis
  33. Painted Lady (76)                              Vanessa cardui
  34. Common Buckeye (24)                    Junonia coenia
  35. ‘Dark’ Tropical Buckeye (4)             J.genoveva nigrosuffusa
  36. Red-spotted Purple (3)                    Limenitis arthemis astyanax
  37. Viceroy (1)                                          Limenitis archippus
  38. ‘Arizona’ California Sister (6)          Adelpha bredowii
  39. Empress Leilia (17)                            Asterocampa leilia
  40. Nabokov's Satyr (1)                          Cyllopsis pyracmon
  41. Red Satyr (10)                                    Megisto rubricata
  42. Monarch (2)                                       Danaus plexippus
  43. Queen (17)                                          Danaus gilippus
  44. Silver-spotted Skipper (5)               Epargyreus clarus
  45. Golden-banded Skipper (1)            Autochton cellus
  46. Desert Cloudywing (1)                     Achalarus casica
  47. Northern Cloudywing (17)              Thorybes pylades
  48. Acacia Skipper (20)                           Cogia hippalus
  49. Golden-headed Scallopwing (1)    Staphylus ceos
  50. Arizona Powdered-Skipper (5)       Systasea zampa
  51. Meridian Duskywing (1)                  Erynnis meridianus
  52. Mournful Duskywing (8)                  Erynnis tristis
  53. Pacuvius Duskywing (18)                 Erynnis pacuvius
  54. Funereal Duskywing (10)                 Erynnis funeralis
  55. Erichson's White-Skipper (1)          Heliopyrgus domicella
  56. Orange Skipperling (9)                     Copaeodes aurantiacus
  57. Fiery Skipper (26)                              Hylephila phyleus
  58. Taxiles Skipper (75)                          Poanes taxiles
  59. Moon-marked Skipper (1)              Atrytonopsis lunus  NEW FOR COUNT!
  60. Large Roadside-Skipper (1)             Amblyscirtes exoteria
  61. Bronze Roadside-Skipper (6)          Amblyscirtes aenus