Sabino Canyon Spring Count

Date & Time: 
April 6, 2023 -
8:00am to 4:30pm
Meeting Place: 
Mary Klinkel
Compiler Email:

The 13th annual Sabino Canyon Spring Butterfly Count  will be held on Thursday, April 6, 2023. The count circle includes Sabino Canyon proper as well as lowland spots as Lowe's Ventana, Sabino Springs Golf Course and Agua Caliente Park and all the areas along the Catalina Highway up to Mount Lemmon itself. It's been a cool winter and not a lot of butterflies are flying yet but temperatures have warmed up and flowers are beginning to bloom!

Please contact the compiler Mary Klinkel if you would like to participate.

Trip Butterfly Reports: 

29 Observers in 13 parties identified 61 species and 969 individual butterflies.

Species in bold print were new for the count. Here are the results:

  1. Pipevine Swallowtail                        Battus philenor  121
  2. Two-tailed Swallowtail                    Papilio multicaudata  24
  3. Spring White                                      Pontia sisymbria  13
  4. Checkered White                              Pontia protodice  20
  5. ‘Desert’ Pearly Marble                     Euchloe hyantis lotta  18
  6. ‘Pima’ Desert Orangetip                  Anthocharis cethura pima  3
  7. Sara Orangetip                                   Anthocharis sara  9
  8. Orange Sulphur                                  Colias eurytheme  3
  9. Southern Dogface                            Colias cesonia  33
  10. Cloudless Sulphur                              Phoebis sennae  1
  11. Mexican Yellow                                 Eurema Mexicana  4
  12. Sleepy Orange                                   Eurema nicippe  26
  13. Dainty Sulphur                                   Nathalis iole  109
  14. Great Purple Hairstreak                   Atlides halesus  2
  15. Xami Hairstreak                                Callophrys xami  1
  16. Siva' Juniper Hairstreak                   Callophrys gryneus siva  5
  17. Gray Hairstreak                                  Strymon melinus  16
  18. Arizona Hairstreak                            Erora quaderna  12
  19. Western Pygmy-Blue                        Brephidium exile  2
  20. Marine Blue                                        Leptotes marina  22
  21. Reakirt’s Blue                                     Hemiargus isola  1
  22. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure                           Celastrina ladon   82
  23. Acmon Blue                                        Plebejus acmon texana  7
  24. Fatal Metalmark                                Calephelis nemesis  9
  25. American Snout                                 Libytheana carinenta  5
  26. Gulf Fritillary                                       Agraulis vanilla  1
  27. Fulvia Checkerspot                           Chlosyne fulvia  9
  28. Bordered Patch                                 Chlosyne lacinia  17
  29. Sagebrush Checkerspot                   Chlosyne acastus  21
  30. Tiny Checkerspot                               Dymasia dymas  16
  31. Elada Checkerspot                            Texola elada  4
  32. Texan Crescent                                  Phyciodes texana  98
  33. Mylitta Crescent                                Phyciodes mylitta  1
  34. Satyr Comma                                     Polygonia satyrus  1
  35. Mourning Cloak                                Nymphalis antiopa  4
  36. Painted Lady                                      Vanessa cardui  18
  37. Red Admiral                                        Vanessa atalanta  3
  38. Common Buckeye                             Junonia coenia  24
  39. ‘Dark’ Tropical Buckeye                   J.genoveva nigrosuffusa  1
  40. Tropical Leafwing                             Anaea aidea  1
  41. Empress Leilia                                    Asterocampa leilia  28
  42. Queen                                                  Danaus gilippus  2
  43. Desert Cloudywing                           Achalarus casica  1
  44. Golden-headed Scallopwing          Staphylus ceos  8
  45. Arizona Powdered-Skipper              Systasea zampa  18
  46. Sleepy Duskywing                             Erynnis brizo  17
  47. Meridian Duskywing                         Erynnis meridianus  6
  48. Mournful Duskywing                        Erynnis tristis  7
  49. Pacuvius Duskywing                         Erynnis pacuvius  1
  50. Funereal Duskywing                         Erynnis funeralis  12
  51. Common/White Checkered-Skipper          Pyrgus communis/albescens  37
  52. Desert Checkered-Skipper               Pyrgus philetas  11
  53. Erichson's White-Skipper                 Heliopyrgus domicella  1
  54. Common Streaky-Skipper                Celotes nessus  7
  55. Tropical Least Skipper                      Ancyloxypha arene  4
  56. Orange Skipperling                            Copaeodes aurantiacus  25
  57. Fiery Skipper                                       Hylephila phyleus  10
  58. Pahaska Skipper                                 Hesperia pahaska  2
  59. White-barred Skipper                       Atrytonopsis Pittacus  2
  60. Eufala Skipper                                    Lerodea eufala  1
  61. Violet-clouded Skipper                    Lerodea arabus  2