Fall Santa Rita Mts.

Date & Time: 
October 4, 2020 -
7:30am to 4:30pm
Meeting Place: 
Mary Klinkel
Compiler Email: 

This count covers many canyons in the Santa Rita Mountains, including: Gardener, Box, Florida, Madera, and Montosa. Of the 64 species found on the 2018 count more than a quarter  (17) were national high counts, including 4 species found only on this count: Chiricahua White(1), Mexican Fritillary (1),  Red-bordered Satyr (82), and Arizona Giant-Skipper (1). In the 8 years this count has been run, Elf, a rare influx species has been recorded every year including an all-time high of 152 in 2016.


Unless Covid-19 restrictions are lifted prior to the count, there will be no meeting place or compilation dinner. Instead, participants will survey on their own and report sighting information via email to Mary. Please contact Mary via email if you wish to participate in this count.

Trip Butterfly Reports: 

Seventeen people participated in very the poor conditions of drought and excessive heat throughout the count area. Butterflies counted were:

  1. Western Giant Swallowtail   Papilio rumiko 1
  2. Chiricahua White                  Neophasia terlootii 3
  3. Orange Sulphur                     Colias eurytheme 6
  4. Southern Dogface                 Colias cesonia 1
  5. Cloudless Sulphur                 Phoebis sennae 7
  6. Mexican Yellow                      Eurema mexicana 20
  7. Tailed Orange                        Eurema proterpia 2
  8. Sleepy Orange                       Eurema nicippe 4
  9. Dainty Sulphur                       Nathalis iole 10
  10. Great Purple Hairstreak       Atlides halesus 3
  11. Siva' Juniper Hairstreak       Callophrys gryneus siva 2
  12. Gray Hairstreak                     Strymon melinus 11
  13. Leda Ministreak                     Ministrymon leda 1
  14. Western Pygmy-Blue            Brephidium exile 5
  15. Marine Blue                            Leptotes marina 22
  16. Ceraunus Blue                       Hemiargus ceraunus 31
  17. Reakirt’s Blue                         Hemiargus isola 31
  18. ‘Echo’ Spring Azure              Celastrina ladon 21
  19. Arizona Metalmark                Calephelis arizonensis 57
  20. Mormon Metalmark               Apodemia mormo 15
  21. Palmer's Metalmark              Apodemia palmeri 180
  22. American Snout                     Libytheana carinenta 14
  23. Gulf Fritillary                           Agraulis vanillae 1
  24. Variegated Fritillary               Euptoieta claudia 3
  25. Theona Checkerspot            Chlosyne theona 1
  26. Tiny Checkerspot                  Dymasia dymas 3
  27. Elada Checkerspot                Texola elada 2
  28. Mourning Cloak                     Nymphalis antiopa 1
  29. Painted Lady                          Vanessa cardui 93
  30. Red Admiral                           Vanessa atalanta 1
  31. Common Buckeye                 Junonia coenia 1
  32. ‘Dark’ Tropical Buckeye       J.genoveva nigrosuffusa 1
  33. Red-spotted Purple               Limenitis arthemis astyanax 3
  34. ‘Arizona’ California Sister     Adelpha bredowii 115
  35. Hackberry Emperor               Asterocampa celtis 3
  36. Empress Leilia                       Asterocampa leilia 34
  37. Tawny Emperor                     Asterocampa clyton 14
  38. Nabokov's Satyr                    Cyllopsis pyracmon 5
  39. Red Satyr                                Megisto rubricata 54
  40. Red-bordered Satyr              Gyrocheilus patrobas 31
  41. Monarch                                  Danaus plexippus 1
  42. Queen                                     Danaus gilippus 2
  43. Acacia Skipper                       Cogia hippalus 1
  44. Golden-headed Scallopwing     Staphylus ceos 1
  45. Arizona Powdered-Skipper Systasea zampa 4
  46. Funereal Duskywing             Erynnis funeralis 1
  47. Common/White Checkered-Skipper    Pyrgus albescens 5
  48. Desert Checkered-Skipper Pyrgus philetas 3
  49. Orange Skipperling               Copaeodes aurantiacus 26
  50. Arizona Giant-Skipper          Agathymus aryxna 25

882 individuals